Building Blocks

Monday, March 06, 2006

Weekend happenings

The weekend was a good one. It started off rough because I was cranky because of my shots. Typhoid and Yellow Fever suck!!!! Specy is leaving and everyone wanted to hang out, which is cool. I am the one marrying him, I'll have more time with him than anyone else. I'm just greedy:)

HB can cook! Not that I had any doubts. I wich I could have stayed longer but it was a school night. Those beans (non-drunken) were awesome!!! I can't wait to try the drunken ones. RC was jealous cause I got mexican cooked for me!!! Hee Hee!!! The dessert was the bomb!! I'm getting to know HB. She is sweet and down to Earth. Don't let the sweet fool ya, I know she can be a firecracker. She is very mature beyond her years. I love the fact we can hang out and there won't be any drama. We will definately hang out more if I can get her away from RC...We'll have to plan a girl's night out. RC and her are great together. I am very happy for them.

I wish Mimi could have hung out. But apparently she thought I was going to be at home...that is another story. The guys had a good time out. They came back to the house to play Halo. Good thing I can sleep through anything.

The car is all packed up. Didn't take but ten minutes. I'm going to be all alone:( Specy is taking the animials. I'll be moving soon. Thank God for my trip coming up. I don't have to deal with a bunch of bullshit. I really do not want to go back to work. I just want to stay at home and be a lazy ass.

Later Bitches....
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